Holman Professional Weather Station
Episode: 2
Title: Holman Professional Weather Station
Broadcast: August 20th
Presenter: Trevor
Technology has now been improved with Holman Products developing a new iWeather system that allows you to monitor the weather in your own back yard. There are several different ones available however Trevor explains the benefits of the Professional Weather Station with Wireless Weather Vane.
- Can be brought at all good Hardware stores
- Position in a open environment to get the best results
- Brilliant technology at your fingertips with Digital clock and Alarm
- The Professional Weather Station has a Rain Gauge allowing you to monitor how much rain you’ve had
- Professional Weather system also gives you a Humidity reading that will allow you to plan your irrigation
- It gives you indoor/outdoor temperatures, wind speed, and wind direction
- All reported onto an LCD screen that is kept in your house, allowing weather updates in you living room.
P: (08) 9204 1011
W: www.holmanindustries.com.au