Melanie Webb, Growing Shed Garden

Episode: 1 Bloom Garden show special, Ireland
Title: Melanie Webb, Growing Shed Garden
Broadcast: Aug 18th
Presenter: Trevor Cochrane

Even the tiniest of gardens can give a lot back. Trevor takes a “quick” stroll through Melanie’s little patch of County Wicklow, showing what can be achieved in the smallest of spaces.

  • The display gardens at Bloom are split up into 3 categories: small, medium and large. And it’s the small gardens that draw quite lot of interest!
  • Former teacher, Melanie Webb, was a regular visitor to Bloom before making her debut as a garden designer at this year’s festival. Pursuing her dream of doing something creative with her work, she trained as a designer and established her own garden business, and the Growing Shed Garden is proof of her hard work.
  • As many people these days don’t have the luxury of a large yard at home, the design of the space was Melanie’s way of bringing the vast Irish countryside into the tiny backyard garden.
  • The round tower, high grasses and mossy stone walls evokes a sense of wild County Wicklow within a low-maintenance suburban, urban garden.
  • It is a practical and sustainable small garden, and Melanie demonstrates just what you can achieve in the smallest of plot. It’s all about increasing the green footprint and biodiversity regardless of the size of garden.
  • Everything in this garden earns its keep, including the shed which is a garden in itself with its stepped roof planted with trays of herbs, sedums, grasses and flowers, all of which thrive in shallow soil.
  • The garden is filled with the scents, tastes and colours of easy to grow plants that simply do their own thing while, at the same time, complementing the aromatic thyme and Corsican mint lawn which releases a heady scent when walked on.

