Highlights: The Weird and the Wonderful

Story: Garden Highlights: The Weird and the Wonderful
Episode: 12
Presenter: Trevor Cochrane
Air Date: 15 May 2021

The garden comes alive with exciting things in autumn, and some unusual things too. Trevor highlights both the weird and the wonderful in his garden.

  • Kiwano, or the African horned melon, is a type of cucumber. It has a crisp, clean, distinctive flavour that is loved in savoury and sweet dishes alike.
  • Dragon fruit is incredibly easy to grow. They’re a large bright pink fruit with flesh that can vary from purple to red or white.
  • Bitter gourd is a staple ingredient in many Asian curries. You can easily grow it from seed.
  • Dahlias are indestructible flowering plants that thrive in a warm climate with free-draining soil.
  • The leopard tree is from the poinciana family. It’s a deciduous tree with fine foliage, mottled bark and small yellow flowers.

