String Gardens

Story Title: String Gardens
Episode: Two
Broadcast Date: 22nd September 2012
Presenter: Trevor Cochrane

Lately Trevor has been developing a string garden in his atrium. It's a stunning concept that helps utilise air space – and create envy amongst your friends.

String Garden Tips

  • The key elements you will need include hessian, activated coco peat, a mature plant, some lawn seed or sphagnum moss. You'll also require Sisal string and a nylon string for suspending the plant form the air.
  • Most importantly, you will need to soak the finished string plant in a garden health treatment to prevent transplant shock.
  • What type of plant you use is really only limited by your imagination! Trevor has had success with citrus varieties, orchids and cordylines.
  • String gardens can be labour intensive and will need to be taken down once a week and soaked for five minutes in a tub of water. Combining a garden health treatment such as Seasol in this weekly ritual will ensure success.

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