Protecting top soil with Baileys Moisture Mulch

Episode: 8
Title: Protecting top soil with Baileys Moisture Mulch
Broadcast: 11th October
Presenter: Chris

  • Microbes are an important part to plant growth, feeding on biological life and returning it to the plants, WA temperatures are very harsh on these microbes as soil degrees can reach up to 65 degrees, hot enough to kill all of the biological life, destroying the root systems and most importantly, accelerates water evaporation.
  • Getting the right mulch is not easy, there are a lot of mulches on the market, some simply can’t cut it when WA’s long, hot summers begin to unfold and take its toll.
  • Getting the mulch just right takes important characteristics, it must be rough, course, regular and durable. Baileys Moisture Mulch is important as this is designed to give it the ability to survive throughout the summer, and of course protect the soil through the long, brutal months.
  • With its course and irregular shapes there’s plenty of air so that water can get down into the soil which means it is protected from the sun, and giving the plants something to drink.
  • Baileys holds the Australian Standard Certification, Waterwise Approved and Smart Approved WaterMark labels.
  • Baileys Moisture Mulch has been proven to reduce moisture loss by 70%, reducing your water use in the garden and is your best chance to ensure your plants are disease and weed free.
  • Baileys Moisture Mulch can be used in most areas of the garden, Garden Beds, open areas, pots and even your veggie beds, not only does it work efficiently but your gardens will look great too.
  • Try to spread your mulch 5 – 7cm thick, try to keep them away from the stems and, of course, top it up once or twice a year.
  • Because Baileys Moisture Mulch breaks down, it adds vital nutrients to your soil, kind of like the plant equivalent of blood and bone.

Contact: Baileys 08 9439 1688

