Boys Toys

Episode: 5
Title: Boys Toys
Broadcast: September 10th
Presenter: Trevor Cochrane

Trevor is working on a terrific new project at home – a brand new veggie patch.

  • The traditional veggie garden usually has fruit trees to give shade to the rest of the patch, but Trevor has decided to plant his new veggie garden in a nice bright, open spot.
  • On a larger property the work involved in a garden this size requires specialist equipment, but Trevor has a foundation to the hard work found in his garden using the Kanga machine. Today is all about moving soil and this makes the job a lot easier.
  • The beds are laid out in a north-south direction. Trev has 10 of them, which allows for different crops in every bed. This is important to allow for between crops to rotate.
  • The rotation of crops is really important for most vegetables, particularly beans, peas, tomatos. They can’t be grown in the same bed year-in-year-out otherwise you will end up with diseases in the soil.
  • One of the beds is going to be home to berries and they are going to need to be grown on a frame. To do this, the soil needs to be softened and Trevor shows us how.

